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Geranium oil: Mentha pulegium called Pennyroyal. The Lamiaceae family is widespread in the Mediterranean area, and is known as Fliou in Berber. This plant is widely used in traditional medicine for the respiratory sphere (nasopharyngeal spherical tropism and lungs), against bronchitis, colds and sinusitis (by cleaning the entire ENT sphere), as well as against digestive disorders and biliary insufficiency. The essential oil of pennyroyal has antispasmodic and stimulating properties, it helps to relieve headaches but its use must be done with caution because of its high degree of toxicity. Appearance: Oily liquid.1 Color: Yellow green clear1 Odor: Minty.1 Storage conditions: store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light1. Botanic Family: Lamiaceae Organ: Lamiaceae Processing Method: Steam Distilled1 Type: 100% natural Origin: Algeria 1 Source: http://www.thegoodscentscompany.com/data/es1014391.html More Info Chemical composition: The oil is mainly composed of oxygenated monoterpenoids (88.0 %). The major compounds are pulegone (48.7 %) and menthone (26.8 %). 2 Benefit: The essential oil of Mentha pulegium, which is part of Algerian Flora, is of a particular importance to food hygiene and appears to be a potential and natural way to help in antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal fights and a good antioxidant at limited amounts. Mentha pulegium essential oil can be used as an antibiotic, a bio-insecticide and an organic food preservative, therefore a natural replacement for harmful synthesized chemicals.3 Application Tips/Dosage: 4 ENT disorders (bronchitis, colds, tonsillitis, sinusitis) Oral route: Dilute a drop of essential oil on a neutral support and ingest. Inhalation: Put a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and breathe. Hepatic insufficiency Oral route: Dilute a drop of essential oil on a neutral support and ingest. Presence of insects, fleas Spray: Dilute a few drops of essential oil in modified alcohol to spray on the surfaces to be treated. In diffusion: In order to keep mosquitoes away, this oil can be diffused diluted to 15% in other essential oils. Concentration, fatigue, hypotension Cutaneous: 1 drop diluted in 4 drops of vegetable oil for application on the temples or the solar plexus. Oral route: - Dermal route: + Air diffusion : + (+++++: strongly advised / - : use with caution) Precaution of use (or MSDS):4 Warning! The essential oil of Mint Pouliot cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women and young children under 6 or even 12 years. Its use is possible only after medical advice and this for any way of use . People with asthma and epileptics cannot use Pouliot Mint. Be careful, this essential oil is highly abortive! It is also neurotoxic and may have some toxicity to the kidneys and lungs. In diffusion: The essential oil of Mint Pouliot must be diluted in other essential oils when used in diffusion (15% of essential oil of Pouliot Mint in 85% of other essential oils). Cutaneous: The essential oil of Mint Pouliot must be diluted in a vegetable oil during dermal use (20% Pouliot Mint essential oil in 80% of vegetable oil). Ingested: Oral, the essential oil of Mint Pouliot must be diluted on a neutral support, honey, oil, neutral tablet, sugar ... Allergenic components: It is best to test the essential oil before use (two drops in the crook of the elbow for at least 24 hours to verify that there is no reaction). 2 Source: Analysis of the Essential Oil from Mentha pulegium and Identification of its Antioxidant Constituents Bahman Nickavar*, Fatemeh Jabbareh Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, PO Box: 14155-6153, Tehran, Iran. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants - TEOP 21 (1) 2018 pp 223 – 229 3 Source: Algerian Mentha pulegium L. leaves essential oil: Chemical composition, antimicrobial, insecticidal and antioxidant activities Meriem Abdelli a,∗, Houria Moghrani a, Assia Abounb, Rachida Maachia – a) Laboratory of Chemical Reaction, Department of Process Engineering, College of Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering, USTHB, PB 32 El Alia, 16075, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria - b) Laboratory of Bacteriology and Veterinary Serology, Institute Pasteur, 34 Street Ahmed Cherifi KOUBA 16015 Algiers, Algeria – ELSEVIER (Industrial Crops and Products 94 (2016) 197–205) 4 Source: https://www.compagnie-des-sens.fr/huile-essentielle-menthe-pouliot/